Heartwarming? Uh, Perhaps if You're A Hillbilly...
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Years ago I read the novel of this film in school and hated it beyond belief, almost as much as I hate the Hunger Games series. The plot follows a redneck boy with his equally hick family and the boy acquires two dogs, Old Dan and Little Anne, hunting dogs, no less. Still think it is heartwarming? Well, at the end of the movie...

SPOILER ALERT!!! The two dogs die in a pretty nasty way. The novel is indeed more graphic but the film is still pretty bad. The soundtrack is horrible, the acting is bad and the plot is pathetic. I'm not some animal rights activist and there is no animal cruelty in the film save for hunting, but the death of the two dogs was disgusting and could be very frightening to many children, I imagine.
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