Liz & Dick (2012 TV Movie)
A filthy DISGRACE to the memory of Richard Burton!!
29 August 2014
As someone who (as a HUGE fan of Burton's life, career, and legacy) has researched the actor for 25 years, I have to say this movie is an utter DISGRACE to him as well as Taylor! Everything that both Burton and Taylor had going for them and what made them captivating to the public back in the 60's, 70's,....and even today is completely overlooked (if not lost) in this awful movie. If you're starved for a DECENT film about Burton and Taylor check out the BBC's "Burton and Taylor". Hell, even NBC's 'Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story" was better than this rubbish! Not to mention Angus Macfadyen's portrayal as Burton was MUCH better! There's also a very good (yet somewhat controversial) Welsh film called "Burton; The Secret", about Richard Burton's relationship with his older brother Ifor and the theory (one of many) that Burton may have had something to do with the accident which left his brother paralyzed for the rest of his life. Based on my research of Richard Burton I have a hard time believing what the movie claims, but it's a well made film nonetheless.
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