Star Trek: The Next Generation: Night Terrors (1991)
Season 4, Episode 17
Plot is Very Creative; But How Did They Know to Do What They Did?
26 August 2014
A Starship is found floating in space. It is functioning for the most part but only one crew member is left alive. He is Betazoid but in a catatonic state. Records show that the crew had lapsed into fear and paranoia. They had actually killed each other. Now the proximity of the disabled ship begins to affect the Enterprise crew. People are unable to dream and this leads to the symptoms that finished off the previous crew. The Enterprise has one advantage: Commander Data. As is usually the case, he is not affected by forces that humans face. As order disintegrates, Deanna Troi is the only one having dreams, and she is having nightmares. She is floating into a void, heading for a light, while a voice speaks to her in what seems to be nonsense. I decided not to be too critical because I wanted to see things play out. For me, a weakness is that sometimes the solutions to problems in this series are so far-fetched, so sophisticated, or so complex, it blows my mind as to how even Data can come up with an answer on such short notice. Still, I think this is one of the most imaginative episodes of the series.
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