Doctor Who: Deep Breath (2014)
Season 8, Episode 1
Deep in the Feels
23 August 2014
Deep Breath stars the newly regenerated Doctor, Peter Capaldi. This episode will be important for the sole purpose of introducing us to him and evidently, there has been lots of change.

But did these changed work?

They worked remarkably.

Peter Capaldi not only brings new depths to the Doctor, but brings back Classic Doctor Who traits. He reminds me a lot of Tom Baker or sometimes Jon Pertwee. His rough attitude with his companions is quite new for those who haven't watched Classic Who, but fans from way back will love it. The New Doctor brings back the mysterious and serious Doctor which was proved to be shown in the episode. Attitudes and Traits aside, The New Doctor is fantastic and all the fan girls who still miss Tennant and Smith will love Capaldi in this episode. As for Clara, she has become more interesting beside Capaldi, as she misses Matt Smith's Doctor and has to cope with him from now on. But, NO. That episode fixes it with a heart warming ending which will touch the hearts of any Doctor Who fan new or old. Clara with Capaldi's Doctor is quite entertaining to watch Capaldi is like a Father Figure now to Clara just like the previous Doctors as they were to their previous companions. The Paternoster Gang were entertaining as well. The Villains for this episode were not the best, but for an episode centered on the new Doctor, I guess you could say, it was well done.

In the end, Capaldi is a serious, meaner and sometimes rude character. He will bring the Doctor in to new heights and will not be afraid to drop the bow tie and tie, the childishness and the looks. And did I mention how his Scottish accent was great in this episode?

With a Fantasitc Doctor, Entertaining moments with him and Clara, a heartwarming ending and an Overall great introduction to Peter Capaldi.

I'll be marking my calendar for the next episodes already.

Verdict: 8.9/10
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