Breaking Bad: Caballo sin Nombre (2010)
Season 3, Episode 2
The Excellence Continues!
23 August 2014
This is the second episode in the third season of Breaking Bad and so far, I continue to be impressed. The tone of the episode is rather slow, but it is understandable because of the story itself, which still held my complete attention. The acting is great and we can see the frustration of everyone in the family building up. My favorite scene is when Walt threw the pizza onto the top of the house in a fit of anger.

In this episode, "Caballo sin Nombre," Walt is trying to reconcile with his wife, but she is not having it at all. Walter Jr. and the rest of the family is trying to figure out what is going on. Jesse, fresh out of rehab, still has a poor relationship with his family but with the help of Saul, he is able to buy the house that his family has on for sale. Meanwhile these two mysterious cousins head to town to pay Walt a visit.

Overall, this is an excellent episode and I felt like the slowness added to the episode as this is about Walt trying to reconcile his family, which adds to the realistic tone of this show. I'm happy Saul returned, as well as the character played by Jonathan Banks, and that makes for an intriguing episode. I rate this episode 9/10.
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