How NOT to make a movie
22 August 2014
Absolutely one of the WORST movies I've ever watched. Pointless is the word. Utterly pointless. The movie follows one night at the Tucker home where we find Alicia Silverstone's character having a rather uneventful night babysitting two kids: Jimmy and Bitsy. The movie is about... well.... three horny and drunk men having fantasies about having sex with the babysitter. But that's all it is.... FANTASIES! DAYDREAMING! IMAGINING! If only this movie spent more time on actual events rather than imagining alone, maybe it would have had a shot at 2/10 rating. But this junk deserves -0. This movie is listed under "psychological thriller" on Netflix. The only thing 'The Babysitter' did was psychologically bore me and thrillingly annoy me. I want my 90 minutes back.
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