Quaint Italian sex comedy
21 August 2014
This Italian sex comedy is even more quaint than most 70's Italian sex comedies. To appreciate it you really have to be familiar with 70's Italian sex comedies (in particular the comic stylings of Lando Buzzanca) AND the ambivalent attitudes more repressive countries like Italy had at the time towards more "sexually liberated" Scandinavian countries like Denmark (these attitudes can also be witnessed in the Italian mondo film "Sweden--Heaven or Hell?", which is much more unintentionally funny than this film is intentionally).

An Italian businessman (Lando Buzzanca) comes to Denmark to work on an ad campaign for shoes and is convinced by the locals to use naked models since supposedly no one even notices nudity in Denmark! In his off hours he tries to score with all the sexually liberated Danish women, but the only one he has any luck with (Pamela Tiffin) falls in love with him. He takes her back to Italy, but then he watches a Danish "blue movie" with his friends and realizes his new Danish fiancée is the star (she did it as part of a "research project" when she was college student). After they have a fight, she returns to Denmark and enters the porn industry. He tries to get her out of her contract and the whole thing ends in a very predictable manner.

Buzzanca is always good playing a hypocritical buffoon and blowhard, but this isn't one of his strongest roles. He does have one funny scene where he goes to a swinging party in Denmark where everyone keeps changing sex partners and he keeps ending up the odd man out. It's also pretty funny when he first finds out about his fiancée's "career". Pamela Tiffin is actually American actress (not Danish), who was in the Paul Newman movie "Harper" and the Tenessee William's adaptation "Summer and Smoke". But, kind of like her contemporaries Carrol Baker and Sue Lyon, she also took a lot of roles in Europe that were racier than what was going on in Hollywood at the time even if they seem quite quaint today.

This isn't generally very funny and it doesn't really make it as a sex film. It's not entirely without interest though.
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