Penelope (2006)
Show this one to your kids--it has some great lessons for life.
19 August 2014
"Penelope" is a fantasy movie--a modern fairy tale that is bound to charm you if you give it a chance. It begins by learning that the Wilhern family is immensely wealthy and well-connected--but it also has a curse. It seems that long, long ago, one of the Wilherns dishonored a young lady and his callousness towards her was rewarded by a witch's curse--that the female Wilherns will be hideously ugly. Fortunately for the Wilherns, as the years passed, they kept having sons...until recently when Penelope was born. Poor Penelope (Ricci) was born with a pig-like nose and the problem is greatly exacerbated by a mother (Catherine O'Hara) who seems more concerned about herself and her image than her daughter. So, out of her own selfishness, the mother fakes her daughter's death and keeps her locked up in their mansion. So, while Penelope's life is pleasant in many ways, she isn't allowed to leave or really have a life of her own. This plan, however, has a HUGE problem-- if Penelope isn't allowed to see anyone, how can the curse be broken?! And how is the curse broken--when she ultimately finds true love with 'one who will love her faithfully.'

Once the family begins experimenting and allowing rich, spoiled and eligible young men to court their supposedly dead daughter, Penelope, the magnitude of this problem becomes apparent--as date after date run from the mansion in horror at the sight of Penelope's amazing nose. However, one of them is upset because when he tells others that Penelope is 'a freak', everyone thinks he's losing his mind. And, as the heir apparent to running a corporation, unless he can prove Penelope and her freakish nose exist, he'll never assume his role as head of the corporation. So, he hires a guy to pretend to be interested in her-- hoping this down and out guy can get the goods on Penelope. Where does all this go and why is the film so magical? See the film and find out for yourself.

This film has two huge things working for it. It's very well written and you cannot help but enjoy the story--especially since it's a modern fairy tale with some wonderful life lessons for the viewers. The other bit plus is the acting--with Ricci and O'Hara doing their best to make their characters lovable and hateful respectively. All in all, I truly believe that if this film had been properly marketed, it would have been a blockbuster. As it is, it's a film with a small but strong underground following. Several people I know also saw and loved the film. So see it and get the word out--it's a terrific film for everyone in the family and offers so much more than most fairy tales.
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