The Score (2001)
Edward Norton (especially) and De Niro ---make this stand out
12 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a heist movie--"the one last big job" a veteran safe cracker needs to retire.

Unusual for this genre the acting takes precedence over the action although both are very well done---particularly impressive is Edward Norton playing a fake retarded cerebral palsy accomplice of De Niro. De Niro has to be one of the world's most natural actors but Norton out shines him here at least to my simplistic eyes.

The only thing I found a little squirrelly about the plot was the item they were to steal but without it the twists would not have worked.

I enjoyed very much the Montreal setting and seeing Brando (his last movie) is always win win win.....

It gets an 8 maybe even 9 since De Niro gets away with the crime i.e. not the old Hollywood norm crime doesn't pay....

Cost $60 million grossed $130 million. Brando apparently argued constantly with Oz (director) calling him Miss Piggy. (Oz used to do the muppets).

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