The little parody that could
7 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to hate this film, but alas I couldn't. It contains performances that sometimes grate on your nerves, but the script keeps it moving forward. The consistent component is the performance from William Craft as the Bat. It's a journey that "involves discovery loss and at least three farm animals". Le Squatch is a likable character and Alfred had me rolling on the floor.

The part that drew me in was the Fatbat, you really end up rooting for him and hoping he'll beat the Joker senseless, many, many characters that make you smile in remembrance of the 1966 Batman but only for a second. To Quote Seven Psychopaths this film has layers.

The Joker is sociopath don/t get that wrong, Harley is haunting in her maniacal devotion to her man, every time she hopped from love I was moved. I won't lie this film was shot on a shoe string budget and in parts it shows. If seems like the film makers at one point embraced their limitations and engaged in some excellent story telling.

You can follow the arc of the story, I would have loved to see more of the Fatbat in captivity. I hope they make a sequel. The women in this film deliver top flight performances. Someone should give these people money, they would be dangerous.

their will be three or four of these performers that make it big...

If you want glory reach around and grab it.

T-Rex Rulz
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