Lost for Life (2013)
Thought provoking but chilling
2 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm really not sure how to review this one.

It's hard- I'm not sure what the intent of the movie was. It certainly gave some insight into the history of many notable cases and gave some somewhat chilling insight into those locked up for their wrong doings.

Did it make me think that mandatory life sentences should be scrapped?

No! If anything, it makes me glad it's in place.

This was hard to watch in that some of the detail was graphic- and I'm sure there's always two sides to every story, but in this instance they've been found guilty of their crimes.

It's also hard to watch one inmate in particular as he sits there with his parents and they talk about how he is innocent and was led astray by the other offender. Really? The video that they both made pre and post the murder seemed pretty clear cut to me!

It's definitely a thought provoking documentary. But is chilling at the same time. I wonder what the victims family think of it?
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