Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. hits the mark!
31 July 2014
Normally I do not pay attention to Television, since my favorite shows Missing and Last Resort got cancelled, but this is one that has got my attention to make me enjoy TV again!

It is a show that follows Agent Phil Coulson (My favorite actor in the MCU.) and his team as the go around the globe doing missions for S.H.I.E.L.D, and how they must battle the elements.

The show did hit a few clinkers during it's first 22 episode run, with it being sometimes predictable and not very strong stories, but after T.R.A.C.K.S. (Ep 13.) the show found it's way to being a super great show.

The crossovers between the films and the shows have been hit or miss. With episodes like 'The Well' (Crossover with Thor: The Dark World.) being terrible and a lousy story. But 'Turn Turn Turn' (Crossover with Captain America: The Winter Soldier.) did hit the mark and definitely had an impact from the movie.

I do wish they more guest stars from the MCU movies (Other than Fury, Hill, Sitwell, and Lady Sif.) like JARVIS or Dr. Banner or Hawkeye, but maybe for Season 2.

Joss Whedon is one of the best at the business, but I do wish he had more of an impact in the show, just so we can know he cares about it and is giving it the time from him it deserves.

The rating I would give this show is most definitely 9/10 for many reasons. It's fun, exciting, great cast, love the Marvel touch, only show that has my attention, and finally having a meaning in the MCU.
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