Review of Thor

Thor (2011)
Thor: Call down the Thunder.
27 July 2014
When I first heard that Thor was being made with Chris Hemsworth as Thor. I didn't give it much hope. Then I heard Ken Brangh was directing and I said Oh I might check this out after all. and I am Glad I did. It's a solid movie. With a solid cast. Hemsworth comes across as the Arrogant Thor who needs to learn a lesson. Sir Anthony Hopkins steals the show as The all powerful Odin. Natalie Prtman steals hearts as JAne Foster and Tom Huddleson ? It's his movie to lose. His Loki gives us the most compelling bad guy with a personality. He has a reason to feel the anger he does and the hate. While Odin selects Thor to take his place as King of Asgard Loki uncovers a secret that nearly destroys everything. He is not Odin's son. he is in fact the son of the frost giant King. And Loki was taken from a battlefield and raised to be Odin's son. The God of Mischiefwants the throne of Asgard for himself. So he sets a plot in motion to send Thor into Exile and to remove Odin out of his way. Along the way Thor learns his lessons. And Loki decides to take the fight to Earth to get rid of his half brother once and for all. While Thor the Dark World is better in some ways. THOR has the better characterization. It brings Thor very nicely into the MArvel U and helps set up the Avengers in a very nice and very good way. Some claim it's the weakest MArvel movie. Others think it's a insult to the Mrvel U. I tend to think of it as one of the cornerstones of the cinematic Marvel U. Because Without Thor. There would be no Avengers. While not the best marvel movie. It certainly is one of the more watchable ones.
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