Family Guy: Seahorse Seashell Party (2011)
Season 10, Episode 2
The Nadir Of Family Guy's decline
26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big Family Guy fan (well, I used to be at least) but ever since Season 8 or so, the show has gone downhill. It's still funny at times, but the scripts and comedy have both been not that impressive mostly.

Even the characters have become rubbish. Peter has gone from a lovable idiot to an unlikable, childish d**k, Lois has gone from a caring, likable mother to a complete b**ch, Meg has gone from being a typical teenager to being bullied and depressed, Brian has gone from being a wise cracking alcoholic to an excuse for Seth to speak his political views and Stewie has gone from being evil to just uninteresting altogether.

This episode is easily the WORST Family Guy episode ever aired. One subplot revolves around Brian taking drugs and having hallucinations. This subplot is SO badly written, with weird, dull hallucination sequences. I have to admit, I did find the sequences where Brian hallucinated Stewie calling his name and Brian "cutting his ear off to prevent WWII" freaking hilarious, but that's about it. And it also annoyingly overshadowed Meg's rant against her family as they just kept randomly interrupting.

You'd think this episode would be good because it has Meg finally snapping against her family, right? *Sigh* Well, no. as I said above, the whole scene is ruined by none of the characters except Lois taking it seriously. And if it wasn't already ruined enough, Seth decides to push the reset button by having Meg realise that she NEEDS to be abused by them or they will fall apart because of the dysfunction. That ending ENRAGES me, because it basically says that domestic abuse is OK, because they all need SOMEONE to pick on, and there are no consequences from what they have done to her.

This gets a 3/10 because of a few funny moments. That's it.
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