Conan the Adventurer: The Taming (1998)
Season 1, Episode 13
The princess and the lizard-men
25 July 2014
The opening scene shows a princess in danger to be beheaded. The hangman raises his big blade – yes, of course that's the moment when Conan jumps on the scaffold and saves the princess. He later regrets that, because while they are on the way to bring her back to her father, the lady complains at every opportunity: she doesn't want to ride a mule, she would like to get meals regularly, she doesn't want to sleep on the ground and she treats everyone like he is born to serve her. "We should learn from her other captors and keep her gagged", Bayu suggests. Since she is slowing them down, they are caught by lizard-men. These dangerous pursuers lose the first battle, but will return for the princess...

Nice action episode with quite some comic relief due to the princess (Julie St.Claire) who is ill prepared for a ride with barbarians. Her future husband thinks twice if he really wants to marry somebody so ignorant. During the voyage, she has to learn a lot! Regarding the development of the main characters, it is remarkable that Otli is not just hiding anymore, he is taking part seriously in the fights with the lizard-men, equipped with two daggers.
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