22 July 2014
This episode is different from usual, largely focusing on an adventure. Some of it does stretch the boundaries a bit and is hard to believe, but it's a children's show, so all is forgiven on that font. They can't make it hard to understand. The riddles and puzzle itself are easy to follow and serve as a fun little adventure for Hiccup and co. Overall, it's a great side story that teaches children that you don't have to be what people expect you to be for you to be 'worthy' of anything.

The father/son relationship in this in this is great. Hiccup doesn't want to be painted as a 'buff man', he wants to be painted as himself. He tries to solve a puzzle that no Vikings before him have solved to prove that he's fine the way he is. The end of the puzzle is a bit hard to believe, but a great message. His father then says that he's proud of Hiccup as he is anyway.

This episode and the one before is focus on the father/son relationship largely, and does so extremely well. This isn't a perfect episode, but it's extremely good as a stand alone episode not focusing on the dragons settling in for once.
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