The wolf of "unearned" awards
15 July 2014
Another year came when Di Caprio did not get an Oscar after outstanding performance. I guess the Academy are corrupted or have something in mind against Leonardo Di Caprio. This movie of his is not an exception.

Jordan Belfort. He has a quite interesting past and an excellent broker and that story of his, like many other interesting bios, inspired people to make a biographical movie about it. In The Wolf of Wall Street we see Di Caprio playing as Jordan Belfort himself and his past about how he became a successful broker but eventually things get rough. You shouldn't of course read Jordan's bio from other sources because that would ruin part of the satisfaction from the movie.

There is not much to be expected from this movie unless you watch it without reading any summaries or maybe reviews because it makes the plot predictable and probably you will know what is going to happen but not exactly in detail so that's what this movie delivers to it's viewers - a detailed story. This reminded me a lot of the movie The Social Network where we see how Facebook has been created and things get rough there too, we already know sorta what's happened but we need to see it in details, to zoom in the story and get acknowledged.

Fortunately, this movie has a comedy genre included. There were many funny moments which literally made me laugh out loud but most of them were inappropriate for young people due to their sexual content. Naked hot girls(LITERALLY COMPLETELY NAKED), boobs, a lot of filthiness and obscene words..like seriously Di Caprio's every third word was f**king but that did not make the screenplay cheesy - contrary. But those funny moments had some tension. Sometimes I just wanted to skip a scene because it seemed too boring or filled with redundant tension.

The acting - perfect. Every actor did a cool play out there especially Di Caprio. His character was very impulsive and he played it fantastically. Sadly he didn't get Oscar again..FILTHY ACADEMY! I mean...Titanic received 13 Oscars and Di Caprio as the main role did not receive any. Inception received 4 Oscars but they missed Leonardo's outstanding performance again. Blood Diamond, Catch me if you can were similar - award winning while the fantastic main role actor got NOMINATED WOW.

In every biographic movie there is big progress and change in the main character and that appeared here as well. From poor but ambitious young lad to the king of stocks and trades. This movie also shows well how cocaine, drugs, sex and alcohol addiction can affect somebody overall which is a lesson for young people. The drama in this movie wasn't skipped. There were some strong moments and I liked the synergy between the actors. This movie is 3 hours long and I'm not sure if it was good enough for such a long movie.

Overall the movie is a funny bio of Jordan Belfort with a lot of sex and drug scenes plus alcohol, some of them were odd but still made me laugh and have a good time, it had some drama in it, tension and the story was well presented. At moments I got bored/frustrated and wanted to skip some scenes. Di Caprio, as always, was brilliant and the writers drove an amazing screenplay for the brokers.

Acting - Outstanding 10/10 Plot - Predictable because it's a bio but Jordan's bio is very interesting 7/10 Screenplay - Brilliant, driven well and the brokers had amazing speeches 10/10 Presentation - Well done but there were some scenes which bored me or had odd tension which made me skip them 8/10

Gave it an 8/10 at average. Thanks for reading!
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