Carson Family Values
10 July 2014
Sheriff Of Cimarron finds Sunset Carson recently released from prison for cattle rustling. He's done three years and little does he suspect that it was his own brother who framed him for a crime he didn't commit. For a G rated cowboy film this is pretty unusual as they stressed family values to the Nth degree. It's also pretty cold.

When Sunset as a private citizen prevents a pair of holdups the citizens of Cimarron make him the sheriff. But brother Ted played by Riley Hill wants his good brother the sheriff out of the way as he's cramping his operation even though Sunset doesn't know his brother's behind it.

Hill is one coldblooded character. We wouldn't see feuding brothers like this in a western until Winchester 73 with James Stewart and Stephen McNally.

For comic relief we get Olin Howlin the butt of juvenile humor by some town juveniles. That we could have done without.

Sheriff At Cimarron is pretty good with potential to be something better. Herbert J. Yates should have spent some more money on it.
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