Review of Gerry

Gerry (2002)
Intensely boring
10 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can not, for the life of me, fathom how this film received so many awards. The acting was none existing, the writers must have written the whole film in less seconds then the film has minutes and each of those 103 minutes felt like an hour. Apparently I missed the deep artistic meaning behind two men, who just so happen to share the same name, end up playing douche in an over sized sandpit and get lost. Watching two men walk around aimlessly in a desert without hardly saying a word is not enough to entertain me. I experience more excitement watching the sand in an hour glass fill the bottom half. The idea of the film doesn't interest me, the writers have done nothing to make it interesting and sitting through this whole film was torture. Instead of watching the whole film, I suggest you watch the trailer. You will have seen pretty much all of the dialogue and the highlights of the film.
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