Liv and Maddie: Song-A-Rooney (2014)
Season 1, Episode 20
It's Time To Go Cray-Cray
9 July 2014
The duh-duh-licious treat of this episode is not the brain freeze story but Dove Cameron's "Froyo Yolo" pop music video about frozen yogurt. It appears that all the creative energy for a year of the series was withheld and then unleashed to create this two-minute parody segment. The music video is a surreal blend of Britney's "Oops", Tom Petty's "Alice In Wonderland" homage "Don't Come Around Here No More", and GWAR's "Saddam A Go-Go" bit from "Empire Records".

It has already gone viral on U-Tube, with over a million hits on Disney's official version, perhaps attracted by the prospect of watching Cameron sing while flanked by an ostrich and two Emily Osment lookalikes in "Hit Girl" wigs.

Even more amazing is the decision to edit in assorted reaction shots of the Rooney family's horrified first viewing of the video. Thus providing a bizarre commentary on their own lameness. The first time I watched I thought these reaction shots took away from the spectacle, but after repeated viewings I've come to appreciate the irony that the characters of such a formulaic series are horrified by the idea that originality and creatively have somehow leaked into the production. If you tire of the reaction shots there is regular version that the Disney Channel is currently using as a promo for the series.

The episode contradicts its own theme, as the creative parody represents selling out to commercial influences and the vapid bubble gum song at the end represents being true to artistic integrity.

A quality segment such as this music video (in such a sea of Liv & Maddie mediocrity) supports the idea that the series is a huge inside joke; with aggressively dumbed-down scripts in the service of a wider audience but with the cast and crew using their creative energies to inject a deliberate lameness into the characters. Broken any codes lately Claudette?

I love froyo, uh-uh-oh Its so yolo, uh-uh-oh Frozen yoghurt is my favorite treat Sweet and yummy froyo's all I eat 'Cause you only live once

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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