A 94 minutes trip to the Algarve, Portugal
26 June 2014
A sincere, light footed funny and visually enticing movie. I came to the movie theatre with a slight fear in my heart for I often find the genre comedy abused by directors who seem to have a 'x jokes per minute quota'. Do they, I wonder. I loved the subtlety of the jokes, and sincerity of the story. Recognizable and therefore credible characters, make for a charming story. Though I must say that the protagonist is a a bit of a blue eyed boy scout and his nemesis is very clearly the bad guy..but then again, they seem to have opposite views of life so it might be befitting. The directors apparent knowledge and love for the Algarve region shines trough the scenes and is highly contagious. The music was very much in tune with the story and helped introducing the Algarve and its inhabitants to the viewer. I've never been there but now it feels as if I have. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
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