Surprising, will make you think if you feel strongly against injustice
30 June 2014
This was, really surprising, I just wanted to pass some time and relax, didn't have big expectations for this movie but it really got me thinking.

*** I get sidetracked a bit here, reflecting over the movie ***

Besides the whole vigilante question, we as john and Jane does should do more than just give a like on face book. We should get off our arses and help each other as people, we know the neighbor is beating the sh*t out of the kid, go do something, if you're afraid to go on your own get some of your buddies with you. If you see a group of people harassing others do something, stop and call upon the others to help you. You should of course be reasonable, I've seen brawls where I didn't do anything because it was 4 people fighting each other and I didn't know who to help, the bouncers were already breaking it up, so I let the bouncers break up the fight and let the police handle the rest. I have seen a fight between just two, I helped break them up. I've seen people collapse and followed them home. It's our duty as citizens, as people, as human f****g beings to help one another and contribute to this world without going all "the f*** should I care" if you see injustice.

** side tracking done **

Besides that it was an interesting movie, it had some really interesting points. I was really surprised by the movie, and it managed to fill me up with strong feelings because these are topics that really concern me. This was an inspiring movie and I hope it will inspire other people as well. Now with this review you could probably figure things out about me, if you feel the same way you'll like this movie.
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