Snowpiercer (2013)
New Cult Classic
29 June 2014
New cult classic? I think so!

So Snowpiercer is a movie from Korea directed by Joon-ho Bong about a train that carries the last remaining humans after global warming causes a second ice age.

I'd been hearing good things about this movie very recently and saw it was only out for very limited release so I tried to find it streaming somewhere online since it wasn't playing in any theaters near me and finally found it.

I have not been this emotional over a movie in awhile. I felt connected with so many characters so anytime a character died I felt actual sadness. They make the characters very interesting so that you get sucked into the movie.

So whats our story? We have Curtis (Chris Evans) who lives in the very back of this train with all the scrubs. All they get to eat are these protein bars that look like blocks of jello and as you would guess, Curtis and everyone in the back are sick of living there and try to find a way to make it to the front. From there it's a race to survive through the many cars on the train till they can reach the sacred engine room.

The acting in this movie was on point. This is a movie where I don't mind the slow scenes at all and I love when a movie can do that. Along side the great acting is an all star cast of Chris Evans, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell and Octavia Spencer. Ed Harris plays the owner of the train and gives an amazing performance giving a speech to Curtis when he finally reaches him.

With a budget of around $39,000,000 it really gets put to use because the environment outside the train looks great. Also the action scenes actually got my heart racing which is saying something considered every scene just takes place in a small room. Speaking of which, they were able to do some great cinematography with the little amount of space they had, especially in the back of the train where it was always crowded.

It's enjoyable from the first frame to the last. With only a few parts that were difficult to understand I gave it an 8.5/10. It's not perfect but it's pretty dang good.
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