Leucotopia (2013)
I'm unsure whether to enjoy the trip or to seek out a greater meaning
29 June 2014
I usually start these amateur scribblings with a plot summary since it helps my brain focus on what I have watched. In the case of Leucotopia I'm really not sure that would help but I'll have a go. So, a chicken is in the womb of some sort of purple space mother and at this point the film cuts to a chicken in some sort of control room where it is wearing a mechanized helmet. This chicken and another one are under the command of a bigger chicken and the controls they sit at are inside the head of a blue humanoid who they awaken on the surface of an alien planet. And that's the first 60 seconds.

From that point on it gets no less weird. Visually it is a trip and I guess that it helps to be in a 'whoa dude' mood to watch it because it has a lot of wild ideas, color and visuals. As a project it is well worth a look and you certainly cannot accuse it of being uncreative! The problem is that I'm not sure what it is doing beyond this, the chicken sections suggest a humorous or absurdist approach while the colourful giant section suggests a deeper meaning to the content. Personally I didn't think either of these worked particularly well, since it didn't help the viewer find the comedy or the cosmic. As a trip it is worth a look and is technically very well done, but I was looking for something beyond the trippiness and must admit I didn't find it.
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