Review of The Reason

The Detectives: The Reason (1961)
Season 2, Episode 25
Killer by Night
28 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
THE DETECTIVES – The Reason - 1961

This one is episode 58 of the 97 episode run of, THE DETECTIVES. This series starred Robert Taylor and ran between 1959 and 1962. The first two seasons ran at a half hour and the last season had a runtime of an hour. The series followed the detective squad in a big city precinct. Cast regulars included, Mark Goddard, Russell Thorson, Tige Andrews, Lee Farr and Adam West. Robert Taylor headlines as Police Captain, Matt Holbrook.

Two Policemen out on night patrol are shot to death while sitting in their car. The Detective Squad is called out to investigate. Evidence and ballistics show that the killing shots were fired from 300 yards from a nearby hill. The Police find this a bit hard to believe as the area has no street lights. How could someone shoot so spot on in the dark? Another search of the hill turns up a large battery. The battery is sent to the Police lab for a look see.

The next night, another Policeman on Patrol is killed with another long range shot. A rather cryptic message is found at the scene stating that the killer is going to strike again. He intends to get even with the Police. The cops are needless to say hot to trot to catch this clown.

The Police lab calls and asks the boys to come in. The battery turns out to be the type used on infra-red night scopes. While this helps, it still does not help with getting them a suspect. Then Captain of Detectives Robert Taylor comes up with an idea. They check the records from the Police academy. They are looking for anyone refused entry because of failing the mental test.

They come up with four possible suspects. Each one is brought in for a bit of Q and A. During each interview, the Police let slip about a nighttime stakeout they are on that evening. None of the suspects admit to anything, and they are all released.

That night, Detective Tige Andrews sets himself up as bait on the stakeout they had told the suspects about. Hiding nearby with infra-red equipped, night sighted rifles, are the rest of the squad. Sure enough, one of the suspects shows and starts shooting. He is quickly downed by a return barrage from the Police side.

Another quick and to the point, episode, of this top flight series.
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