Above-average programmer about Alaska truckers
27 June 2014
Bill Williams plays the part-owner of a trucking company in Alaska who runs into trouble due to landslides closing down roads, a business partner who doesn't think Williams is running the company properly and wants to squeeze him out, and his partner's hot blonde wife, with whom Williams had a fling before she was married--and she still wants him. To further complicate matters, a pretty and leggy hitchhiker shows up, takes a job as a waitress in the local diner and sets her sights on Williams, much to the annoyance of Williams' former paramour. This is one of Fox's lower-budget programmers, but it's not all that bad. Williams is earnest, Nora Hayden--the waitress--is a real looker, and the location footage in Alaska helps a lot. The film is hurt by pedestrian writing--courtesy of the film's director, Edward Bernds--and flat performances by a weak supporting cast, but overall it's worth a watch if you've got nothing better to do.
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