You Are There (1953–1972)
Rendering History Understandable, Palitable and Entertaining!
26 June 2014
ONCE AGAIN WE come to a great series from our youth. Of course, at that time, 1953-59, we had no idea that it was great or even very good. We did understand the premise of having a recreation of a Historical incident; while imaginarily employing the modern technologies of both Radio and Television.

THAT'S RIGHT, DEAR Reader, we said both TV and Radio; as the series started out on the CBS Radio Network in 1947. Its birth name was CBS IS THERE. It was soon changed to YOU ARE THERE and lasted to 1950 on radio.

AS FAR AS the video version. we fondly remember it being a staple of our household's tele-viewing every Sunday, early evenings (about 6:30 PM Central Time, we think). In those days of strong sponsor identification, we would hear the voice of Walter Cronkite very authoritatively announcing the evenings subject.

FOR EXAMPLE, IT would go something like : "Tonight we have the story of THE MONITOR AND THE MERRIMAC as the Prudential Insurance Company presents YOU ARE THERE!"

DONE IN A STYLE that we today would call 'Docudrama', a reporter on the scene would use his microphone to interview eyewitnesses to whatever the particular occurrence being covered that day. There was also a TV camera present as both the famous and the infamous were recreated in a most interesting manner.

WE'RE SURE THAT a lot of our contemporaries of that 'Baby Boomer' generation, as well as the older folks cultivated a greater appreciation of History as a result of this series. Its longevity proved to be much greater on the television network than on the radio; as it lasted for 5 full seasons.

EVENTUALLY IT EITHER morphed into or was superseded by the series (also narrated and introduced by Walter Cronkite) which was titled, THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. (also sponsored by PRUDENTIAL).
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