The Desperate Mission (1969 TV Movie)
Could work as a Saturday afternoon movie
23 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sunday is my Western day and I selected this one out of a collection pack of 20 movies. It starts off fast and interesting but after 5 minutes with the introduction of the rest of the players, it suddenly stalls with some weak acting.

Once the mission is assigned, however, it again picks up some speed which it is able to decently maintain through the rest of the movie. High points are that there are strong characters here and there, the villain is decent, and supporting characters, such as the friars, are believable.

There are weak points, though, as well such some major characters not being believable at all and some come close to being comic relief. This movie, further, doesn't have the energy that could enable one to become lost in its world for 90 minutes or so. The movie is not capable of taking the watcher out of the audience, so they can only watch and listen. The obvious breaks for commercials are distracting although they do provide an exit for awkward moments.

It was worth a look once, but I have many more Westerns to see before I'll bother to return to this one.
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