Battlestar Galactica: Scar (2006)
Season 2, Episode 15
Best TV Episode Ever Made
12 June 2014
I just watched "Scar" again. It was, easily, my favorite episode of BG. #2 being when Starbuck hot wired the raider. Has been several years but this is still the best. Kat's redemption from stimulants and Starbuck's dealing with her love of dead men culminates so well as she fills Kat's cup and recites the names of those lost. You have to watch it again, as the flashbacks, overly used in BG, I admit, bring around a story of redemption. Not only that but there are the best dogfights ever in this episode. These pilots are stressed out on a thin line to protect the mining operation and the creation of Scar makes this a great episode. Especially following the elimination of the resurrection ship, so that he finally is gone forever.
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