Battleground (2012)
Typical depiction of Nam Vets as crazed maniacs
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As a Nam vet who served proudly with the Big Red One in South Vietnam from December of 1966 to early February of 1969 I have always resented the depiction of Vietnam vets as crazed, undisciplined scum. This movie is a rancid repeat of that genre and is absolutely not worth watching. In addition to the unbelievable low budget, actors no one has ever heard of and the depiction of the Nam vet as a deviant who, like Hannibal Lector removes the skin and eyeballs of his victims I have only one question. Why didn't the writers of this trash present a scenario where an aging Nam vet would be the good guy and save the girl and use his U.S. Army skills that he used in the jungles of Nam to defeat the enemy, which in this case were a bunch of no good bank robbers. It would have made the movie so much more enjoyable and believable. I recently looked up the actual crime rates for various veterans of WWI, WWII, the Korean War and Nam,and guess what? The lowest number of felonies committed by veterans from all those wars were the Vietnam vets, who routinely returned home, got jobs or went to college and then got a job, and generally believed in the American dream. Don't watch this absolute piece of gory, unbelievable junk. The lead character, a supposed Nam combat veteran, would never have made it in any of the units I was around as discipline and the ability to be loyal to our country was an absolute necessity. Don't believe it when you hear people say that in Nam people committed endless atrocities. That is propaganda by people who weren't there. Remember this, My Lai, the biggest killing of civilians by American soldiers in Nam was ORDERED by a U.S. Army OFFICER, Captain William Calley, and we were not allowed to disobey orders. The average soldier was heroic and patriotic in Nam beyond belief. StocktonRob
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