Kiss or Kill (1997)
A kiss and no tell thriller, one you could kill for
4 June 2014
I've never so much wanted to go across the Nullaboring in my life after seeing this. We have an impressive road movie thriller, where as an Adelaide'n here's another that has done us proud. Bill Bennett is someone who makes low budget features that I like. Here we have a romantic couple, who'm both have had bad childhoods, Francis O'connor, a victim of pedophilia, who was interfered with by a footy captain, Zipper Doyle who makes underage porno's. These con artists/thieve's, latest victim is accidentally killed or was he, when sexually lured by O'connor. So our young enterprising two end on going on the lam, with a suitcase, containing not exactly what they were after. In it is a porno, featuring Doyle and who very much looks like, O'Connor, who is quick to deny it. Kiss Or Kill is very well structured film, where as it progresses, more victims surface, after being visited by the two, but who's killing who. There are some great locations used, including a radioactive site where our too take temporary sanction, by occupants, Otto and wife. As in dining, the film too shows you the dangers of having a steamboat too close to you. Matt Day and O'Connor is especially, are good, while Haywood as a veteran cop with a heart, is what you expect, impressive as always, that dining scene, regarding the bacon I loved. We can understand why the implicated Doyle is so enraged, in his frantic need to retrieve that tape which could finish him. As to the fates of our two lamsters, it's wonderfully no where as bad, as you think it will be for them, where in these situations, there can be more light at the end of the tunnel. Cool, solid scene by scene S.A. thriller, with a haunting opening.
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