Review of Step Lively

Step Lively (1917)
Perky Pup Is the Star Here!!
4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is something more like it!! Snub Pollard plays a drunken man about town who believes Harold has robbed him. Bebe has her hands full with a lounge lizard who won't take no for an answer. Funniest character (and best acting) goes to the dog who takes an instant dislike to Harold and chases him all over the town only leaving off the chase to pursue the neighbour's cat!! Harold thinks he is in the clear but the perky pup hasn't forgotten him and chases him right into Bebe's bath!! Harold is now free as doggie realises there is bigger game to be had - namely Bebe's persistently annoying admirer!!

A very funny short at just over ten minutes.
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