Game of Thrones: The Mountain and the Viper (2014)
Season 4, Episode 8
not the best episode so far...
2 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I found too many aspects of this episode to be unbelievable and somewhat the plot becomes predictable in the way that it seems to be tailored to maximum unpredictability. First, Mormont is released by Daenerys after receiving a letter signed by Robert Baratheon. I accept that she is upset and emotional, as fits her character, but everyone else involved should question that decision and follow the line of thought why such a letter emerges by coincidence just a couple of years later. That is very unbelievable and would have needed more explanation to work out, for example Daenerys overruling advices given. But instead we get to see a completely useless love affair between Grey Worm and that translator. For what reason exactly? I would even doubt that is in the books (though I haven't read them) but is a HBO trick in showing some more (admittedly nice) boobs and asses.

Then the fight. Okay, I really would have liked to see more of Oberyn, but the end was just over dramatic and again completely tailored for shock. Why was the beheading of Eddard Stark such a powerful scene? Because it was not a splatter scene, it was emotional. This one looked like taken from a cheap horror B-movie. The evil guy is dead (spear through the sternum) but comes back from the dead just for a shock effect - cheap! Oh dear, I really hope they step up their game, this episode is sadly not convincing...
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