Castle: Time Will Tell (2013)
Season 6, Episode 5
One of my favorite Castle episodes
23 May 2014
I find it interesting other reviewers didn't care for this episode. 'Castle' is known for its whimsy, not even remotely resembling a serious cop show like Law and Order or NCIS. 'Castle' is formulaic and implausible most of the time (Beckett and those heels...*shudder*) but that's not why I watch the show. The show succeeds because of clever writing, humor, great cast and chemistry, and some great story lines.

Which include the genre references snuck into every episode that most nerds can appreciate.'Time will Tell' introduces suspects who claim to come from the future. Heavy references to Terminator (Dr. Wickfield is a ringer for Miles Dyson, the creator of Skynet) and Time Cop make the story fun and of course makes Rick Castle very happy (much to Beckett's mild annoyance of course). They effectively fill the Scully/Mulder roles perfectly for their own NYPD Xfile.

The guest actors are great and the story--whether you believe the time travelers or not--is provocative. Is there a logical explanation or do they actually come from the future? The viewer will have to decide...
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