A highly entertaining comedy that makes light of coming out, matchmaking and a mothers' endless interference in her sons love life.
23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'You Should Meet My Son' is honestly such a great movie! However, you need to know what you are getting into, this is not a movie that tackles the seriousness of coming out to your family through lots of angst and self loathing. This is not a tearjerker like 'Prayers for Bobby.' This movie is a farce in the best way possible! The scene near the end with the male protagonist's breakdown was such a tender moment between mother and son, and the insistence of the gay youth needing better gay role models couldn't be more true! The gay culture is shown brilliantly here, the leather couple and skanky teens to the snarling gay bar patrons, glitzy drag queens and master/dog fetish. Everyone writes about how the mother and son have the greatest character development, but can we look at the character of Aunt Rose? The makeover scene is something that is tackled by every chick flick out there, but I can honestly say that this one had me cackling to myself, and the way in which she slowly comes out of her shell is definitely something to take notice of. The drag queen gang is hilarious and so entertaining! Yes, the accents are fake, the acting is over-the-top, the plot is predictable, but this only adds to the movie, and it's success lies in it's comedic way of portraying common issues within the LGBT community. NB: Anyone who enjoyed this should definitely give 'The Big Gay Musical' a view!!!
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