A Seriously Witty & Mouth-watering Mocumentary
22 May 2014
Whether you're familiar with Iowa's Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival or not, "State of Bacon" gives a hilarious, inside look at the planning and execution of one of the most delicious festivals in the history of food festivals.

I'll be honest - going into this movie I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, it was obvious bacon would play a prominent role (and quite frankly, that was enough to get me to the theater), but I was blown away by the hilarity that ensued. The Bacon Board (who are the real life creators of Bacon Fest and are pretty much the stars of the film)made a lasting impression. You can tell they are a big group of goof balls, with senses of jocularity that might be slightly more mature than frat-humor. Other high-lights of the film include Hacksaw Jim Dugan scolding animal activists, some drunken campers, and a couple of snarky grade schoolers with a passion for pork.

Overall, it just works - especially if you're able to enjoy a cold brew and some hot bacon while viewing.
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