devil dog
21 May 2014
Although this isn't my favorite episode of this great series, I have to give credit for a fairly original story, and a very good performance by a mutt who shall go nameless, and he was the real star here. Tom Skerritt was a tad annoying, but effective, as a politician named Robert Palmer(not the singer), who supposedly makes a deal with the devil to gain power, and murder anyone who opposes his rise to power. As usual, Tony doesn't see the connection that Kolchak finally does, but it eventually leads to a very good scene between Carl and Palmer at a satanic altar in Palmer's basement where Palmer offers the same type of deal; he promises Kolchak that he can get where and what he wants in the newspaper industry if he also makes the same deal as Palmer. I wish we could see how Palmer made his deal, as that would make for one creepy scene. In between, there's a couple car crashes and a freaky elevator crash, and the one common denominator is a strange dog that puzzles our hero.
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