Awkward.: No Woman Is an Island (2014)
Season 4, Episode 1
If you think Jenna didn't suffer enough from her rebellion period, well think again.
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Awkward returns and everyone is feeling senior anxiety. The pressure of going to college is upon everyone, and between Tamara freaking herself out trying to keep her life to some strict schedule and Jenna just trying to recover academically since, frankly, she hasn't done much which would make a college go "that one!" She hopes to make some last minute changes in her life to savage some type of adult life for herself.

Topic 1: 137 - Jenna

Someone leaks the class ranking and we learn that Sadie is no.3, Tamara and Jake are 17 and 19 respectively, and Jenna is number 137 out of, well I'm not sure. Either way, V tries to spin this as a wakeup call, but considering Jenna has aspirations of going to college, it seems more like someone just presented her with a death sentence. But, Valerie believes with some extracurricular activities she can bounce back.

Thing is, the only activity available to Jenna is cheer leading. Which Tamara advocates her joining for, in my opinion, so that Jenna could be the focus of Sadie's taunting and not her. Mind you though, while this action may be worthy of a side-eye, Tamara is the only one really actively trying to help Jenna reach any of her goals.

As for Jenna's parents, while her dad does his usual freak out routine, Lacey is naturally of no help. She is very much into the idea, perhaps once again, of vicariously living through Jenna, especially because her senior year didn't live up to its potential due to her getting pregnant. Naturally, it doesn't help either that her parents catch her masturbating, and Lacey telling Ally means Sadie finding out and the school knowing. But, even with just Tamara trying to actually be of service, Jenna finds a way to sit down, focus, and begin her college applications.

Topic 2: What Happened To Everyone, And Who Is The New Kid? – Matty, Tamara & Jake

First off, Ming is gone to a boarding school in Vermont and seemingly it is noted as unfortunate, but not that big of a deal. However, she gets quickly replaced by: not Bailey since seemingly she has been written off too, but instead we get a new girl named Emma (which is a name way too abused on TV). Now, while Ming was eccentric, and Bailey sugar sweet, Emma seems like she is straight from the Girls cast. She is very open, a tad raunchy, though friendly enough to be likable. She does though seem a bit out of place on the show.

New girl aside, a lot has sort of happened over the summer. Jake has become some sad imitation of Kurt Cobain, Matty has begun working at the mall for some Abercrombie & Fitch type store, in which he makes sure those who don't fit the store's image don't shop there, and Tamara finally has something to do with all her energy, but no real ability to relax.

Leading us to circle back to Jenna masturbating or, as Tamara would call it, "Tip toe through the tulips." Now, the reason this is talked about is because Tamara, apparently, has never masturbated, something Eva overhears. And with this, also comes a conversation about orgasms. Something Tamara also has never experienced. Eva's advice deals with some slightly vulgar sex advice, which seemingly makes both Tamara and Jenna a little uncomfortable, but fact of the matter is, Tamara's one potential stress reliever is sex, and Jake is a minute man.

So, upon staring at a vibrating toothbrush, she gets to have herself a "CheeriO," if you get what she implies. Thing is, before her discovering the pleasures of masturbation, she tries to work with Jake to get her there, and he fails. What's worse is he fails during the senior sleepover, and they try to have sex in the announcing booth and, naturally, he fails and their argument on how bad he is gets heard on the loud speaker. Setting up the stage for their eventual breakup since between this embarrassment, and her beating him for class president, who knows how much more Jake can take?

Leaving us to give a little update on Sadie. In the episode she attempts at reestablishing herself as someone who made it big through Twitter, drives a Mercedes Benz now, and seemingly she is trying to reclaim her old life. However, we learn the Benz is Ally's car, and Sadie is working at a German food truck. Something Jenna discovers and with this, there is some attempt to humanize Sadie again, but it is just really hard to feel for her despite her struggles. Yet, she represents the many ways people deal with transitioning into adulthood. People like Tamara take to the challenge and plan out their days in how to conquer them; others like Jenna sort of freak out though, with help, get on a roll; then there are those like Sadie. They do what needs to be done, but don't use all that anxiety and frustration and channel it into something productive. Instead they take out their frustration out on everyone who they come in contact with. But, what can you expect from Sadie? Unlike everyone else, she has no support system or even parents, much less friends, like Jenna does to give her reasons to be nicer. Though hopefully, during the season, between her boyfriend and time with Matty, the writers will mellow her out enough to the point that while she may still be Sadie, her character will continue to develop, and not just be a deeply rooted butt hole.
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