Average Magoo short with a few laughs
13 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Mister Magoo short from UPA Studios. There will be spoilers ahead:

Mister Magoo is a one note character, which makes the gags very predictable. For the shorts to work, the story and the dialog need to be good. Though the premise here is decent, the short is average at best. The material just doesn't often rise above the innate limitations of the series.

The best gag here is Magoo's nephew Waldo's continuing attempts to catch the attention of a pretty skier, only to have her keep inadvertently knocking him down. Even that loses its shine after a while, though the ending is cute.

Shout! Factory has released a box set containing all the theatrical Magoo shorts and a Magoo feature film. The box set itself is excellent and well worth having. This short is worth watching once.
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