Review of Rose

Doctor Who: Rose (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good comeback, but it overshadows story
12 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I would just like to say that I like this episode. Russell T Davies brought back the show very well and introduced the show to modern viewers very well. Rose is a great companion here and pretty much represents the viewer in this episode, similar to Ian and Barbara in An unearthly child, as is her reaction to the inside of the TARIDS. The doctor is also built up as a mysterious figure, again managing to grab and intrigue new viewers in who the doctor is. Now THAT is how you do a reboot. However, the actual story is not really up to much. The autons are incredibly underused, the episode suffers from unfunny, childish comedy like the burp scene, the special effects (especially trying to make Cardiff look like London) are terrible and Mickey and Jackie are dreary, one-dimensional characters. Still, this was a good return, even if the actual story wasn't up to much.
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