recovery from addictions is the secondary goal
6 May 2014
Watched the movie last night. It was more an account of the desired change that two community members had, around the vision of getting better from being an addicted person. This movie was like "One Who Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" in the sense that the filmmaker, nor the community members seemed to have a clue as to what addictions actually entailed nor the effect of changing a world into what these two community members wanted it to be. The real story amongst the fragmented clips of so-called recovery resides in a husband and a wife, who both suffered from addictions and somehow found each other and formed a union out of a love connection. It was their love for each other that united them. Perhaps, creating a business plan and preaching about the recovery from addictions was a secondary goal but the primary goal was love and these two people finding each other in their own destiny. Sometimes filmmakers do not know their own true story and sometimes a story is not a story but rather a cover-up of the unconscious, only with careful analysis of the details can the viewer unravel the truth. The truth of this film is love not addictions, but good-old fashion love.
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