2 May 2014
We've waited 5 years for this movie to release. Finally it's there and although Angela Robinson and more of the crew and cast did not agree on it's release I'm very happy it's finally there. The movie is a prequel on the web series in which we follow the lives of Tyler Murphy and Daisy Robson.

In my opinion this not the best movie, technically speaking. Sound is often low quality, for example a lot of ambiance in one shot and in a reaction shot there is none. Another example is distortion. (which is also audible in the trailer) Another example is that is too obvious that they are on a set. More color correction is sometimes very hard needed.

The songs are catchy, but has its ups and downs. Not everything rhymes which could be annoying. But like I said the songs are catchy and in general great.

There are more things to get detailed on, but despite the bad parts in this movie the one and a half hour fly by. It's funny and I love to see the two South of Nowhere stars to play together in a different movie playing different characters.

But once again, it's definitely worth it to see this lesbian drama musical.
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