Chuck: Chuck Versus the Fat Lady (2008)
Season 2, Episode 7
lights camera and more cameras,,,
28 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We're off to find the list of bad people, Fulcrum, Guy hid it someplace but where ? not in his guarded hotel room, after crawling through the air ducts, (Chucks phone dialed Jill's and the way the conversation was, gave a "impression") but Chuck is really not having luck restarting romance with Jill. Well what would anyone think wet in underwear and towels...

Interesting box that shoots out fruit punch, Jill believes chuck and asks what kind of fruit punch as Guy was paranoid and hid things and had you solve diff probs or riddles to find whatever it was needing found. So found list, Jill "kidnapped", Chuck steals back to rescue, course copies first with Morgans "copy thing from Canada" all ends "well...

Second story, Emmett "hunting Chuck", also holding poker over Jeff, Lester and Morgans head, so they have him as part of game, he brings his own wine cooler (rest have beer), tastes like high school, somehow tape Emmett as he is making fun of Big Mike, getting sick in Mikes office with the tastes like high school again (yuck) so Morgan gets him to leave Chuck alone.

Sarah telling Jill not to hurt Chuck again, she is like I wont (ya right)...Chucks room, Jill covers camera (there are far too many of them lol) but...code broken Casey and Sarah running, Jill and Chuck on highway we then see one unexpected pic, well for some reason when watched 1st time, kinda knew Jill would be...sometimes surprised here, like that, other times, not, and well don't mind that either...
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