Shayamalan should be ashamed
28 April 2014
ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Another classic ruined because the director wanting to do things HIS way?! PEOPLE!! HOW HARD IS IT TO SIMPLY CREATE LIVE ACTION FOR A CARTOON WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING?! That's what people want to see! Sheesh! Where to begin? (1) Let's start with the casting. Ethnic casting more specifically. Characters, who were supposed to be Native American were portrayed by White actors and all of the Asians were portrayed by Indians. Why was this? What purpose did it serve to make that kind of drastic change? If Shayamalan was looking for a platform film to showcase Indian talent, he definitely picked the wrong one because aside from not being true to the story, it was not visibly believable (You expect me to believe that Aasif Mandvi is really a guy named "Zhou?" Huh??!?!?) (2) The quality of acting in the film was horrendous. Not one of the main characters was believable and were each annoying. There was nothing of the characteristics from the television show assigned to their film counterparts. Sokka wasn't funny, Aang wasn't the lively, energetic and fun-loving kid from the show and Katara's maturity and mother like nature was overshadowed by her naivety. The only redeemable parts, were those portrayed by Shaun Toub and Cliff Curtis; both great actors, yet neither of them belonged in the film.

(3) Why in the name of everything sacred, did Shayamalan insist on changing the pronunciation for certain characters' names? He was aware, that the television show on which this film is based, created a HUGE following. (Supposedly, he said that he wanted their "traditional ethnic pronunciations" to be spoken. But clearly did not foresee the disconnect that this would create.) (4) There were plenty of other small changes that made absolutely know sense; one was the Blue Spirit mask. It was just supposed to be a mask covering Zuko's face. WHY WAS THERE HAIR ATTACHED TO IT??!?!?! It looked like The Avatar was fighting next to the Great Rumpus Cat from "Cats." Absolutely senseless!!! And while we're on Zuko, where the HELL was his scar?! It was barely visible. He's a staple character and that's a staple feature. Wtf dude?!

(5) Another was the Bending of the Fire Nation. While in the cartoon, the Firebenders were able to create fire at will; in the film they were only able to bend flames from the surrounding environment. This does not support them being powerful enough to be battling every nation on the planet! It takes away from the entire lore surrounding the fire nation and Sozin's comet. If they can only bend lit fires, all the enemy has to do is put their fires out and the fights over!! Major Plot Hole Shayamalan! Also, the film does not include much of the advanced Fire Nation technology that also made them formidable.

(6) Quite possibly the most frustrating of all, was the change in the behavior of Aang in the Avatar state. Instead of the all-powerful and at times violent force of nature, he becomes this passive, "peace-keeping pillar of a light show" whose purpose was not to harm anyone but to display his power in order to scare people into submission. Are you freaking kidding me??!?!? No one wants to see that! The only thing I can give Shayamalan credit for was how he cut the entire first book down (which consisted of 20, thirty minute episodes) into a 1 hour and 43 minute film. For the most part, he included the most critical story plots for establishing the overall premise of book one. And while he cut out certain memorable characters (Like Jet and Bumi) the audience was able to recall each of the events from the film as occurring in Book one of the television show. This accomplishment only deserves so much credit seeing as the outcome of some of these scenes was very rushed. For example, the Liberation of the camp of Earth Benders was just pathetic. (Aang's speech that was meant to inspire the Earthbenders to fight for their own freedom was awful.) Overall, the film was sloppy, rushed, horribly cast and an improper representation of a very good show. Huge disappointment; I sincerely hope that there are no follow-ups to this film.
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