Naked City: The Human Trap (1960)
Season 2, Episode 8
Don't you ever call me Chickie again!
28 April 2014
***SPOILERS***Things got completely out of hand at the Walda Price, Ruth Roman, apartment as we see at the start of this "Naked City" episode with notorious drunk and womanizer Tiberius "Toby" Bennington Tennant the 3rd, Gene Lyons, found dead with an icepick in his chest. That after a wild confrontation with Walda and her 15 year old daughter Jessica, Zina Bethune. With the police headed by that sensitive soul Det. Adam Flint, Paule Burke, on the scene it's Walda who takes full responsibility in Toby's death claiming it was an act of self defense in protecting her 15 year old daughter's honor if not her very life.

The story that Walda tells the cops doesn't stand up to scrutiny and it's her estrange husband mobster Cary Glennon, Jack Lord, who tries to give her a hand in exonerating herself but she doesn't want any of his help or advice. It turned out that after she left him Gary was convicted of extortion and spent the next four years in the can:Sing Sing Prison. Leaving her and Jessica to fend for themselves without a bread winner or father, for the very young Jessica,in the family.

***SPOILERS*** As expected Walda's story of self defense falls completely apart and leaves her as well as Jessica, in going along with it, ripe for a change of both lying under oath as well as, in Walda's case,1st degree murder! It's both Det. Flint and mobster ex-husband Gary Glennon, a very strange combination, who finally get both Walda and Jessica to come clean with the truth in Toby's death that in fact not only made a lot more sense but was also far easier to defend then the moronic story that they concocted that made then look far more guilty then they really were! Just by being honest and telling the truth in what happened would have saved both mother and daughter a lot of suffering that they put themselves through by lying about it!
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