Review of Space Seed

Star Trek: Space Seed (1967)
Season 1, Episode 22
Produces an Interesting Concept; Looks Ahead
28 April 2014
During the first season of the original series there is no way that the producers had a thought about a movie sequel to this series. We all know how tenuous even a second season was for this expensive show. Thanks to the fans they took a chance and the rest is history. In this episode, the charismatic Ricardo Montalban plays Khan, a genetically engineered being whose purpose for existence, along with his crew, is domination. Shades of Hitler and other historical conquerers. The Enterprise and James T. Kirk always seem to err on the side of compassion, and this gets them into hot water in this episode. Upon entering Khan's ship, their suspended animation modules are opened and he fills his lungs with air and starts his conquest. His response to kindness is to manipulate it to his own purposes. His first act when he awakens in sick bay is to threaten McCoy with a knife. McCoy tells him how to sever the carotid artery and this makes Khan laugh and, hence, spare the good doctor. A beautiful young crewman, who has already started to drool over Khan (women weren't always portrayed as that evolved on this show), is enlisted by the manipulator to assist him. He is cruel and she is submissive. She will play a part later. Of course, once he has a foothold, he takes over the ship, bringing his once sleeping crew to the Enterprise, starting to dismantle the ship. The strength of performances and some very good writing help this episode becomes one of the better ones. It is a battle of wits between Kirk and Kahn that makes this work. I need to watch "The Wrath of Khan" again.
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