Two Stories Stuck Together
28 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Did someone mention this was " a film of two halves " ? May I suggest I'm slightly more accurate in saying that it's merely two films stuck together ? BURNING HEARTS was in great danger of being an absolute mess . The site I saw it on had one of those freeze frame avatars of a male character holding a female character and I instantly thought both those characters were Caucasians which as the film started shows it not to be the case . Perhaps I should pay more attention in future . I did try and pay attention during the run time but was none the wiser as to how some events ran in to one another and for a short film you find yourself asking if important plot exposition has ended up on the cutting room floor . We see a model in Japan with some neurotic issues then the film ends on a leftfield fight between another character and some heavies . The fight scene is the big show piece event and from a technical viewpoint it is very impressive being done in one take similar in feel to the Korean film OLD-BOY , but the reason for this is rather unexplained . I also noticed many of the production are judging by their names not Japanese and the story is relatively universal so why have the story set in Japan ? This type of unexplained planning conceived in production let's BURNING HEARTS down greatly
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