Kept My Attention Throughout
27 April 2014
This movie begins in the not-too-distant future with two car thieves named "Brody Sutton" (David A.R. White) and "Jerry Willis" (Kevin Downes) breaking into a garage and stealing a Porshe 911. Neither of them have accepted a computer implant which has been mandated by law. Eventually they get caught and thrown into prison with others who have refused to accept the implant-most notably Christians. One of these Christians is named "Luke" (Stephen Baldwin) who has an uncanny ability to see into the future. Another person they meet is a smuggler by the name of "Tom Newman" (Jefferey Dean Morgan) who was apprehended by his ex-wife "Jeseca" (Amy Moon) who happens to work tracking down those who refuse to receive the implant. Because of Jeseca's connections Tom is given an assignment to find and kill one of the leading Christians still at large who goes by the name of "Elijah Cohen" (Cosimo Michael Occhipinti). He very reluctantly accepts. Anyway, for those who like Christian movies dealing with this particular subject matter, I believe that they are in for a real treat. It has a very interesting plot and it kept my attention throughout. On the other hand, there were a couple of things I did not like about this movie. First, I didn't especially care for the special abilities of Elijah Cohen. It just wasn't as realistic as I would have preferred. My other criticism concerned the extremely limited role given to Eric Roberts (as the smuggler named "Dallas"). It just seems to me that an actor with that much ability should have had more screen time. But that's just my opinion. In any case, I liked this movie for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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