24 April 2014
I think the message that I took away from this film is the old "power of one". We can all sit there and knock "What will the film achieve in is a seemly impossible situation?" But they are at least trying. Young people away from their ps4 not attached to an iphone trying to make a difference. Who knows who this film will inspire and the ripple it could have.I took my kids today to see The Muppet Movie, I know it's will not be mentioned past today's outing. A few weeks ago I took my kids to see Rise of the Eco Warriors and my year 6 boy picked Palm Oil as his impromptu talk subject (he hates talking in the front of the class) and his teacher that afternoon emailed me how well he spoke and passionately he spoke. And we have celebrated a palm oil free Easter . We should have more film like this showing in main stream cinema and stop dumbing down our kids with Spiderman, Captain America and Lego men let's give them some real heroes and role models.
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