In My Dreams (2014 TV Movie)
Well it wasn't completely bad...
23 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching the movie, I had read a review (I forget which one exactly) that said McPhee and Vogel had really good on-screen chemistry. It was NO LIE. I literally could not stop smiling as I watched them interact in their dreams. Sure it kind of felt that the relationship was progressing really quickly, but I'll just chalk that up to the fact that neither was certain that the other was real (or if they would meet again) and also the soul mate card. The script itself wasn't anything spectacular but for some reason that didn't stop my heart from pounding every time when...

[**SPOILER**] Nick and Natalie were RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER (in the real world) but the universe thought it'd be funny for them not to see each other. This happened SEVERAL times. Haha I didn't realize I was so emotionally vested in the characters but there you go. I'm a hopeless romantic. I was really disappointed with how little screen time there was of Nick and Natalie together (after finding each other) in the real world. Five minutes was not enough!!! It's about the journey and blah blah blah but come on! **END SPOILER**

So OK script, great actors, could have done with some better directing. A lot of scenes had so much more potential. Also I feel like there wasn't enough character development.

**SPOILER** I mean I know that Natalie learns to let go of the past and look towards the future, and Nick learns to believe in himself but that is pretty much the extent of it. Like I said before, there could have been more!!! The problem is that all the characters are pretty one- dimensional. Natalie's struggling with her restaurant and Nick's struggling with his bridge and his love life-- that's it. Sorry, for me it was too simple. **END SPOILER**

Personally I like films that aren't predictable, and In My Dreams is pretty predictable. But then it's Rom/ Rom-com so what was I expecting? But overall it was fairly enjoyable.
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